goat due date calculator

Simple goat due date calculator that will help you find out your goat’s kidding date. All you need to get a precise date is the exposure date.

Goat Due Date

The best way to calculate your goat’s due date is to differentiate between pygmy goats and full-sized goat breeds.

Enter the goat’s exposure date in the right calculator and you will get the due date as an output.

Pygmy Goat Due Date calculator

If you have a pygmy goat breed such as a Nigerian Dwarf or Angola Dwarf this is the best due date calculator to use to get the correct kidding date.

Full-Sized Goat Due Date Calculator

If you have a full-sized goat breed such as a Nubian, Saanen, Alpine, Oberhasli, LaMancha, Toggenburg, or Boer, this is the best due date calculator to use to get the correct kidding date.

Other Goat Calculators

Check out this post on the best goat gestation calculator. It explains more about some of the factors that affect the kidding date in goats.

You will have a better understanding of why the estimated kidding date might be off by a few days (mostly 1-5 days).

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