goats weight calculator

An easy goats weight calculator that has helped me have a healthy herd. Calculating the weight of a goat can be useful for a variety of reasons, such as monitoring the animal’s health, determining its feeding requirements, or evaluating its suitability for breeding or showing.

Goats Weight Calculator

There are several methods for weighing goats, including using a livestock scale or weighing crate or estimating the weight using a weight tape or a prediction formula based on the goat’s size and breed. There are pros and cons to each method.

The calculator below uses a prediction formula.

Expected weight: lbs

The well-recognized breeds include Saanen, Nubian, and Alpine. If you don’t know the specific breed you can still estimate the weight. However, you will get a less accurate weight estimate.

Goats Weight using Livestock scale

I have used this method in the past and got accurate results. You will need a livestock weighing scale, a pen or chute to hold the goat in place, and a handler to assist with the process.

Prepare the goat: It is important to calm the goat and minimize its movement to get an accurate weight reading. You can do this by holding the goat in a secure and comfortable position, or by using a pen or chute to keep it still.

Place the scale on a flat, stable surface: Make sure the scale is level and positioned in an area with good footing.

Place the goat on the scale: Gently lift the goat onto the scale, being careful not to cause it any harm or stress. I need help from a handler to help position the goat on the scale.

Record the weight: The scale will display the weight of the goat in pounds or kilograms. Record the weight and remove the goat from the scale.

Repeat the process if necessary: If you need to weigh multiple goats, repeat the process for each of the goats.

I would advise you to follow proper goat handling techniques when weighing goats to avoid causing them any unnecessary stress or injury.

To ensure I get accurate results everytime, I also check the accuracy of the scale regularly and calibrate it as needed.

Final Thoughts on Goats weighing

Weighing goats is not fun for most people. I love goats and yet it’s one of my least favorite activities.

I hope this goat weigth calculator makesit easier for you as a goat farmer. Check out these other interesting goat calculators: Full-sized Goat Gestation Calculator