Nigerian Dwarf Pregnancy Calculator

Nigerian Dwarf pregnancy calculator that will help you calculate the kidding date for your miniature goat. All you need is the exposure date and you will get the expected due date for your goat.

Nigerian Dwarf Pregnancy Calculator

Nigerian dwarf goats are one of the popular miniature goat breeds. Therefore the best calculator to use is for miniature goat breeds.

Fill in the exposure date below and find out when you can expect the new kid/kids.

The expected kidding date can vary with a range of about 1-5 days. Check these post to see some of the factors that can cause Nigerian dwarf goats to extend their gestation period.

Nigerian dwarf goats are easy to handle and also make great pet goats because of their small size.

Nigerian Dwarf Goat Pregnancy

Nigerian dwarf goats have easy preganancies and experience few kidding problems in general. Young does can be breed as from 8 months if they have reached the desirable mature size.

This breed can also be breed all year-round without any problems. It is advisable to give the doe a break of at-least six months.

Because the Nigerian dwarf goats are miniature, their new born babies are also very small. They weight around 2 pounds at the time of birth.

However, they grow very fast especially when they are receiving the right nutrients and housing. Most Nigerian dwarfs are good mothers and are able to take proper care of their kids.

It’s good to note that the young bucks grow up really fast. If you don’t want to risk unintentional breeding make sure to separate them. Some of them become fertile as early as seven weeks after birth.

Although young bucks can be used for breeding from the time they are 3 months, the best age range is from 7-8 months old. At-least by then, you are sure they are ready and mature for the task.

You can expect Nigerian dwarf goats to give birth to two or more kids at ago. The breed also produces a significant amount of goat milk in relation to their body size. The milk can be used as is or used to make goat cheese.

Final Thoughts on Nigerian Dwarf Pregnancy

I love Nigerian dwarf goats because of their gental and playful temperament making them easy to handle even for my children. They are also good producers of goat milk despite their small body size.

I hope this post on Nigerian dwarf pregnancy calculator was helpful. I hope now you have a rather precise date on when to expect your new kids. I know you will love them and have a great time raising them.

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